Set-up for Events in the 2024/25 Year
Please fill out this form and click submit.
Your Full Name
Your Email
This address will receive a confirmation email
Best phone to reach you
Name, Date, and Time of Event
Your role in the event
Will you need a sexton? One or two? For what portion of the event. Give time window. Skip question if no sexton is needed.
Do you have a way to access the building on your own? If not, Carol will send you a door code.
Please select one option.
You may upload a file/drawing of your set-up, or you may write it here. Please be as detailed as you can. We will use this form to make out our instructions for the sextons, so include everything needed for your event--tables (and how many), chairs (ditto), room, placement of tables, sound and video needs, food buffet tables (number and placement), if you need coffee set up--everything must be here.
Attach file here
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Please fill out this form and click submit.
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